
I was just reading the Maildir++ spec and it mentioned that it
supports subfolders.  This is strange, as I have mutt using
subfolders with vanilla Maildir.  I'm using the following
commands to automatically generate the mailbox list:

echo '# Autogenerated by $HOME/bin/mailboxes' > $HOME/.mutt/mailboxes
(find $HOME/Maildir -mindepth 1 -type d \! \( -name new -o -name cur -o \
-name tmp \) -print | (while read d; do for s in cur new tmp; do \
test -d "$d/$s" || continue; done; echo "mailboxes =${d##$HOME/Maildir}"; \
done) | sort) >> $HOME/.mutt/mailboxes

Anyone have any thoughts on the wisdom of this?

Also, is there a canonical naming scheme?  I use a leading period
for mailboxes that don't receive new mail (i.e. my outbox and
spam folders)... But I see Maildir++ uses those for subfolders,
and names with no leading period are special.
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