On Mon, Feb 05, 2007 at 06:31:03PM +0100, Rado S wrote:
> ... one part being the defensive things listed by Travis, but you
> also shouldn't forget that some "outsiders" rate html-ized mails
> as spammy, so at least the score increases or in the worst case
> it's outright blocked unless white-listed.
> ...
> (min. 50% of my total spam is html-ized: when I explain this to
> my partners, they understand and click their box. I haven't heard
> any of them complain about having lost quality of life ;)

Yep... spamassassin has this as a test in every install.
It may not be weighted enough to force a failure by default,
but it does count towards the overall spam score.

I'm reading this on a system that doesn't have X11 libraries,
so I can't easily view graphics anyway.  When I get around to
content filtering, I'm going to file those in =.spam

BTW, the bayesian learning page at CRM114 or dspam (I forget)
has some interesting facts about HTML keywords.
Good code works.  Great code can't fail. -><-
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