On Tue, Jan 30, 2007 at 02:55:46PM +0100, Michael Tatge wrote: > * On Tue, Jan 30, 2007 Marc Vaillant ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) muttered: > > I'm wondering how people handle messages coming from outlook users that > > quote the message they're replying to (or their replies) in color > > instead of the usual angle indenting (> )? > > Outlook uses a indent string. Default '> '. It just _displays_ quotes > with color. The underlying message is still readable. >
I'm not sure I fully understand what you mean. The message is readable, but the clarity that the color provides is lost when I view it in mutt because the only differentiator is color. I could open up the html in a graphical browser but I still can't tell apriori that the message contains the color tags. E.g. the above '> ' quoting would just look like: ==== I'm wondering how people handle messages coming from outlook users that quote the message they're replying to (or their replies) in color instead of the usual angle indenting (> )? Outlook uses a indent string. Default '> '. It just _displays_ quotes with color. The underlying message is still readable. ==== but in a graphical browser, your text would be in a different color than mine. Marc