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* Robert Ian Smit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2002-10-03 07:45 -0400:
> * D. J. Bolderman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [03-10-2002 02:25]:
> > Subject says it all: if I'm using Mutt over an ssh connection, how can I
> > execute http links in mails ? Or is this simply not possible ?
> By executing http links you mean starting a graphical browser?
> Don't know how to do that, but perhaps using a text browser like
> lynx or w3m can help you here.
> Bob

That's how I do it (Win2000/putty connecting to a Debian 3.0 woody
box via ssh). urlview plus w3m. My /etc/urlview/url_handler.sh on the
Debian box:

http_prgs=3D"/usr/bin/X11/opera:PW /usr/bin/w3m:XT"=20

plus the mutt setting

macro index \cb |urlview\n 'Extrahiere Links (call urlview to extract URLs =
out of a message)'
macro pager \cb |urlview\n 'Extrahiere Links (call urlview to extract URLs =
out of a message)'

and hitting <Ctrl b> in a message.

Alternatively you could you use links version 2; both w3m and links
support ssl and pictures!, but none of them JavaScript (at least to
my best knowledge). Netrik is said to support JavaScript but thinks
my HTML 4.01 validated pages contain too many errors to be displayed
at all. Maybe a later version will is more forgiving to valid HTML :)


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