On Thu, Oct 03, 2002 at 05:34:20AM +0200, Sven Guckes wrote:
>* [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-10-02 21:27]:
>> My logon name, rdp, differs from my POP3/SMTP mail name,
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  My problem is that if I try using mutt to send
>> email to rdp locally, my send folder shows the To: as [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
>> I never get the local mail.  How can I get around this.
>  set alternates=rdp|[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  set index_format="...%L..."
>delivery of local email depends on the MTA setup.
>this is *not* a mutt problem then.

Indeed.  I ran into this as well.  I added masquerading to sendmail
and created a generics table that remaps my local user to my mail

Another option that i have not tried is to add yourself to the
sendmail trusted user groups.  Then you should be able to use hooks to
reset the from, return-path, etc.

Michael Herman

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