* Michael Tatge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-10-01 14:17]:
> Why don't you run a little shell or perl script against that folder?



  use strict;

  use File::Slurp;
  use Email::Find;

  my (%addrs, $data, $mbox, $finder);

  $data = read_file("mutt-users");      # read_file comes from File::Slurp
  $mbox = "$ENV{HOME}/Mail/lists/mutt-users";

  $finder = Email::Find->new(sub { $addrs{ $_[0]->format }++ });

  print join "\n", sort keys %addrs;

This works, assuming you have File::Slurp and Email::Find installed.
The problem with this, though, is that it picks up Message-ID's.

A more robust solution (involving Perl) would be to create a Mail::Box
instance, that knows about the messages it contains, and then grab email
addresses from the appropriate header fields.  This would also work for
things other than mbox format:

  use Email::Find;
  use Mail::Box::Manager;
  my %addrs;
  my $mgr = Mail::Box::Manager->new;
  my $mbox = $mgr->open(folder => "Mail/INBOX/");
  my $finder = Email::Find->new(sub { $addrs{ $_[0]->format }++ });

  for my $message ($mbox->messages) {
      my $cc = $message->cc;
      my $from = $message->from;

  print join "\n", sort keys %addrs;

(Note that I've tested the first, but not the second.)


It is impossible to travel faster than the speed of light, and
certainly not desirable, as one's hat keeps blowing off.
    -- Woody Allen

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