[This may or may not be mutt related, depending on the answer]

Recently different posters have mentioned their different ways of
organizing their email  (by target, by date, etc).

I'm currently having mutt pull everything from my spool and sticking it
into =Inbox, where I have all my personal mail.  perl filters strip spam
and mailing lists into their own mailboxes.  I've got a fcc hook that
puts my sent mail into dated sent-mail mailboxes.  

Now my question:  This form has been working fine for months, but now my
"Inbox" is starting to get quite full.  Ideally, I guess I'd like to
have an Inbox that hold mail I haven't dealt with (which, depending on
the topic, may take months, so I don't want it in the spool that long.),
but I'd like an easy way to move entire threads or chunks of a thread
into some other mailboxes for archiving.  

Recommendations?  Is this best done with some fancy mutt bindings, or
some cron job that moves old messages automatically?  How do other
people organize their mail when they want to have vast amounts


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