On Fri, Aug 30, 2002 at 08:10:44AM -0500, Jeremy Blosser wrote:
>On Aug 29, Ken Weingold [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
>> On Thu, Aug 29, 2002, Peter T. Abplanalp wrote:
>> > you can always try but it has been my experience that these people
>> > don't want to change to anything other than M$.  if your boss is still
>> > semi technical this might work; however, if he has gone totally over
>> > to the dark side of management, he is a lost cause.
>> Wow, lucky me that my boss uses mailx or Pine (hey, consider the
>> alternatives) and she was into the idea of us setting up something for
>> ourselves to use the Unix MUA of our choice for work email, but we
>> have Notes and it's a lost cause.  We can't enable POP or IMAP either.
>> And you thought Exchange was bad.
>Is Notes at least able to forward all incoming mail to an address?
>Our Exchange server doesn't have IMAP enabled either, so I've got some
>scripts that make it push incoming mail out to a unix box.  Exchange can
>only forward, not redirect/bounce, so the unix box has scripts that strip
>off the outside fwd container on incoming.  So far it works well.

That's a neat idea.  If they ever take away my POP access I may try that.

Michael Herman

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