On Wed, Aug 28, 2002 at 03:03:36PM -0700, John Iverson wrote:
> * On Wed, 28 Aug 2002, Micka?l Villers wrote:
> > I have few problems with new mails significations.  Here is a
> > example:
> > 
> > I read a mbox ( debian-french-user for example ) and when I
> > have finish, I go to the mailboxes list (c?<enter><tab>) and
> > wait/check for new mails on others mbox (like mutt-users).  I
> > receive a new mail in an other box (mutt) and it is notify and
> > during the same time one in my dfu-ml which is not notify, I
> > try to open the mu-ml but it opens dfu-ml because I receive
> > mails in it.
> Maybe we're missing something.  Anybody know anything about this?

Hate posting "me too" messages, but I'm also puzzled by this.

John Keniry

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