Hi Gregor!

On Sun, Aug 25, 2002 at 06:21:52PM +0200, Gregor Zattler wrote:
> > Well, do I have to use that gpg-2comp in order to use gpg
> > with mutt?
> You need this wrapper script if and only if you want to
> communicate signed+encrypted with a person who uses pgp2.6.x
So, in order to be able to communicate with anybody who uses any
version of pgp or gnupg, I have to use that script.

> If so you must remove the comment hashes '#' on lines which use
> gpg-2comp and set hashes '#' on the correspioning lines without
> gpg-2comp usage.

Okay, I did that.

> Note that you can not communicate with this setup with a user
> who does not use RSA v3 keys...

I'm still pretty new to gnupg and cryptography in general. Which
users does that affect? gnupg doesn't use RSA, does it?

Thanks for your hints so far.



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