* Patrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-08-19 15:05]:
> having seen NO traffic for 3 days,
> have to wonder, ?? Is the list down?

nope - looks fine. there are 31
mails within the last two days.


=== --verbose:
Mutt 1.4i: =IN/MUTT (threads) [31/45741] [NEW=39643] [~d <2d]
45368 N L 020818 Jussi Ekholm      ( 37) &-&-&-&-&-&->Re: pgp_create_traditional
45563   L 020818 Martin Schweizer  ( 24) &-&->Re: Colapse thread
45612 N L 020819 Vikram Goyal      ( 21) &-&-&-&->Re: hook-list menu
45699   L 020818 Jussi Ekholm      ( 74) &->Re: spamassassin
45700   L 020819 Justin Burke      ( 14)   |->
45701 N L 020819 Jussi Ekholm      ( 36)   | `->
45702 NsL 020819 Kevin Coyner      ( 63)   |   |->
45703 N L 020819 Philip Mak        (  8)   |   `->[OT] Re: spamassassin
45704 N L 020819 Michael Leone     ( 30)   |     `->
45705 N L 020819 Will Yardley      ( 31)   |       `->
45706 N L 020819 Michael Elkins    (  8)   |         `->
45707 NsL 020819 Kevin Coyner      ( 68)   `->
45708 N L 020819 Jussi Ekholm      ( 47)     `->
45711 N L 020819 Ryan Sorensen     ( 17) &->Re: Mutt hanging on new message. [So
45725 r L 020818 Ken Weingold      (  8) New mail notification problems
45726 N F 020818 To Mutt Users Lis ( 13) `->
45727   L 020818 Ken Weingold      ( 16)   |->
45728 N L 020819 Michael Elkins    ( 18)   `->
45729 N L 020819 Ken Weingold      ( 17)     `->
45730 rsL 020818 Lee J. Moore      ( 31) Mutt color limitations
45731 N F 020818 To Mutt Users Lis ( 13) `->
45732  sL 020818 Lee J. Moore      ( 52)   `->
45733   L 020818 Martin Schweizer  ( 25) Re: Colapse thread
45734 N L 020819 Thomas Roessler   (  6) [2002-08-19] CVS commit messages
45735 N L 020819 Bob Bell          ( 20) 'lists' and 'subscribe' string matching
45736   L 020819 Patrick           (  7) is list down ?
45737   L 020819 Jussi Ekholm      ( 17) `->
45738   L 020819 David Jardine     ( 21)   `->
45739   L 020819 Bytor             (  3) language
45740   ! 020819 Carl Johan Schedv ( 18) `->
45741 NsL 020819 Alan Batie        ( 38) PGP & Outlook
q:Quit  d:Del  u:Undel  s:Save  m:Mail  r:Reply  g:Group  ?:Help

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