* David Champion [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] [2002-08-02 11:18 -0500]:

> * "Calum Selkirk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > if mutt could be ./configure'd --with-pcre (nondefault, of
> > > > course), there'd be virtually no problems with confusion between
> > > > regexps found in various published .muttrc's and the syntax mutt
> > > > linked with pcre actually expected.
> > >
> > > assuming this is true - who would
> > > (1) prepare the transition?
> > > (2) write the patches?
> > > (3) write the documentation?
> > > (4) update the setup files?
> > > any takers?
> >
> > "if" is generally regarded as a conditional and is never in and of
> > itself "true" but predicated on meeting certain conditions (in this
> > case 1,2,3,4)
> "If it is true that a hypothetical mutt executable linked with libpcre
> causes virtually no problems with confusion...."

I agree that this is how i would interpret sven's statement, however, to
move from there without commenting on the specific truth/falsity of the
OP's statement to "blah .. sven" adds absolutly nothing to the
discussion. "We'll assume it's true so i can spew forth ..".  Rather
than say what the actual objection/problem/solution might be (and in a
manner that doesn't simply condesend to the poster). This is to be
seen within the backdrop of "read bah", "fix your foo", "*plonk*".

Prehaps i need to unsub from the list for a while as i have most
probably reached my limit with what i see as svens brash and overbaring
way of dealing with the world.

> To add to your list of questions:
> What's the trouble here?

If there is a problem, i would prefer to hear what the "actual" problem
is and to see what the various pro's and con's are (i have to admit i
wasn't thinking to closely about the problem itself).

> Why am I defending Sven

Prehaps you feel his comments are adding to the discussion? I don't

> and what does this say about your posting?

It says that you perhaps feel i am treating sven offhandedly? Or that
i myself mirror too closely svens offhandedness? Or that i am also
not adding any depth to the particular problem being discussed?

> Anyway, I don't think it's particularly true. We already have had
> clashes where someone (generally a Linux user) posts GNU-compatible
> regexes that are not EREs, and someone else using standard EREs cannot
> use the macro, limit, or whatever, and must post again asking for
> explication, debugging, whatever, and it takes a few iterations to
> figure out the trouble. This would only get worse once one can enable
> PCREs.

That not only makes perfect sense to me, most probably the OP could
take your comments seriously while not feeling like his/her head was
being held down the toilet bowl and consecutivly flushed. ohh and why
no numberd list? ;)



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