* On 2002.07.31, in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
*       "Roman Neuhauser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > Strictly speaking, if used as a shared library, and existing regexp
> > support is blown away and replaced, then it reduces bloat.

Not necessarily. I'm not already using pcre, so it still bloats my
system to load it whether it's dynamic or static.

That's without getting into whether I'd *want* to compile with shared
libraries, since I'm on Solaris (where you're bludgeoned into using
shared libraries whether you want to or not).

Anyway, my point is that this is probably beside the point. :)

> > The problem is, such a change would probably kill everyone's existing
> > configurations. You'd need something like Vim's \m, \M, \v, \V  escapes
> > (magic, no magic, very magic, very no magic), only probably \P (use
> > PCRE; assuming \P isn't taken by PCRE).

It seems that it should be a relatively simple matter to use pcre
instead of the usual regex library on the basis of --with-pcre or
somesuch -- that is, it doesn't need to be made the default in order to
enable it.

If I cared for Perl regexes, I might try to do that... but I like
extended regular expressions just fine. However, if someone else wants
to try it, it feels like it should work.

 -D.                    Fresh fruit enriches everyone.  Takes the thirst
 Sun Project, APC/UCCO  out of everyday time.  A pure whiff of oxygen,
 University of Chicago  painting over a monochrome world in primary colors.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]       We all know that.  It's why everyone loves fruit.

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