in the ".muttprofile(new)" Kevin said:
> in general though it would be nice to have a lot of these scripts
> distributed with mutt. and if need be for dependancies packagers could
> have mutt-perl, mutt-python, etc packages so that the main mutt package
> wouldn't depend on any interpreters (which seems to really piss people
> off for some moronic reason or another).
Both personally, and as leader of the RULE project (see below) I would
really appreciate something like this, i.e. one package, to be
eventually delivered as .rpm, .deb, .tgz, whatever, that collects *all*
these things.
The "problem" with mutt is that it is indeed the most powerful MUA
available, but this depends quite strongly from having already
discovered and set up all the utilities mentioned here today and on the
main mutt sites.
A package like this would not certainly spare from RTFM, but would
save a lot of time, and make the transition from pompous mailers much
faster and easier!
Myself, I volunteer to test/maintain the RPM version for RULE!
Marco Fioretti
Red Hat 7.3 for low memory: www.rule-projects.org/