Hello Thorsten,

 On Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 11:24:36 PM +0200, Thorsten Haude wrote:

> [-- PGP output follows (current time: Don 11 Jul 2002 23:06:04 CEST) --]
> gpg: Warnung: Sensible Daten könnten auf Platte ausgelagert werden.
> gpg: Unterschrift vom Son 09 Jun 2002 19:12:09 CEST, DSA Schlüssel ID 7B9F4700
> gpg: FALSCHE Unterschrift von "David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
> [-- Ende der PGP-Ausgabe --]

    Found this one list message, and it verifies correctly here. Please
copy it to a temporary mailbox, gzip it and send it to me privately

> I also see another error, where Mutt displays an empty line between
> the (correct) GPG output and the marker: '[-- Ende der PGP-Ausgabe
> --]' and won't verify the mail.

    Happens only, but always, with traditional PGP? Then setting
$pgp_good_sign correctly should solve it. Otherwise, try the wrapper
script given in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> some monthes ago.

Bye!    Alain.

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