I notice some really odd behavior in mutt.  I have it set up with some
folder-hooks to sort by threads in all my mailing list folders.  This
works fine, _except_ for one particular list *iff* I don't have the
    folder-hook lists.* "<collapse-all>" # collapse all threads
in my .muttrc.  (remove that line, and the spamassassin list is not
threaded, put it in and it is).  What can I look for to determine why
all but the one list are properly threaded without that line?

The other problem is that line causes a "<collapse-all> command not
found" message, and doesn't actually do anything (other than fix the
threading in the sa list folder).  I suspect this is because the
folder-hook is run before the folder is opened, and thus it has no
threads to collapse at that point (or something like that).  I saw
someone mention that he has threads auto-collapsed upon entering a
folder.  How can I do that?


A man of many companions may come to ruin,
but there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.
        Proverbs 18:24

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