I get the "Key is not bound" message on my Linux PC, too.  Where did
you see the reference in the documentation?

There may be a more significant problem, though.  On the PC, both
keys actually send something to the terminal window (Home key sends
<ESC>[1~; End key sends <ESC>[4~).  On my Sun, pressing the keys
sends an event that X recognizes but no characters to the terminal
window at all, so there's no way a terminal program like mutt can
do anything with them.

You could use xmodmap to modify the bindings on those keys to
something that a terminal program can detect, but then they would
stop working properly in GUI applications.

On Fri, Jul 12, 2002 at 08:02:18AM -0400, Charles Gagnon wrote:
> The mutt documentation says that the 'home' and 'end' keys on the
> keyboard should make you jump to the beginning and the end of a
> message while reading it.
> On Solaris 8 running on sparc (with a standard sun keyboard) I get
> the "Key is not bound" message.
> Anyone knows how to add this binding to my config?
> Thanks.
> -- 
> Charles Gagnon                   | My views are my views and they
> http://unixrealm.com             | do not represent those of anybody
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]           | but me.
>    There are lies, damn lies, and statistics.
>         -- Mark Twain

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