On Wed, Jul 10, 2002 at 05:06:12PM -0700, Eugene Lee wrote:
> I looked in the archives and couldn't find a specific answer this one.
> I receive several HTML messages that arrive as an attachment with no
> plain text equivalent in the main message body or another attachment.
> When I reply to these messages, how do I configure Mutt to convert the
> HTML attachment into plain text, quote it, and finally edit it?  Or is
> this a mailcap issue?  Thanks in advance.

It's at least partly a mailcap issue.  If you already have mutt and
mailcap configured to display HTML attachments as plain text in the
pager, replying should "just work" as you described.  Otherwise, you
will need an entry like this in your mailcap:

    text/html; w3m -dump %s; nametemplate=%s.html; copiousoutput

and you _may_ need this in your muttrc:

    auto_view text/html

The auto_view command is required for the pager to work; I don't know if
it's required to convert HTML to plain text in replies.


Gary Johnson                               | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   | Spokane, Washington, USA
http://www.spocom.com/users/gjohnson/mutt/ |

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