On Wed, Jul 10, 2002 at 11:17:52AM +1000, savanna wrote:
| I'd like to edit the file that comes up when I press the '?' key -
| anyone know where the file is located? 

It isn't a file.  Mutt creates it when you ask for it, that way it
shows what your current (possibly non-default) key mappings are.

| What I what to do is organize so that it's in content areas (eg all
| the threading stuff togethor, all the pgp stuff togethor, etc).
| Having the keys in alpha order isn't too helpful! 

If your pager is anything like mine, use the '/' command to search
through the file for interesting words.  It really helps.

| I've printed out & read the various FAQs and help pages - found
| nothing yet.

It would require modify mutt's codebase to output the way you want.  I
don't think you really want to go there ;-).


Many a man claims to have unfailing love,
but a faithful man who can find?
        Proverbs 20:6

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