
* Derrick 'dman' Hudson [02-07-08 21:54:24 +0200] wrote:
> Now for the answer,in your .vimrc :

> augroup Mail
>     au!
>     au FileType mail set tw=70 fo=tcrq2 nomodeline
>     " clear the old sig and go back to the beginning of the buffer
>     au BufRead /tmp/mutt* normal :g/^| -- $/,/^$/-1d
> augroup END

Just to mention it: You have to replace '| ' (yes, the
symbol and the space) by the value of your $indent_string.

Another solution is to use:



  au BufRead /tmp/mutt-* :source $path_to_the_file

(replacing /tmp with the value of $tmpdir of ~/.muttrc)

The only thing I don't like about this solution is that it
only removes one level of quoted empty lines. This surely is
on purpose but I like to remove all quote characters on
empty lines (small fix required). Also, it only recognizes
'>' as a quoting character.

   bye, Rocco

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