On Tuesday, 02.07.2002 at 15:52 +1000, Malcolm Herbert wrote:

> Is there any way to limit the scope of the changes made with the -hook
> commands? For instance, I have several mailing lists for which I use a
> different address to post from, so I use something like
> send-hook blah 'my_hdr From: Malcolm Herbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'
> to set my From: header appropriately. Unfortunately if I send to these
> lists my From: header remains changed, for the life of the session.

This is one of Mutt's most frequently asked questions. :-)  The behaviour
you describe is how hooks work, by design.

In order to do what you need, you should have something like:

send-hook . 'my_hdr From: Default From <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'
send-hook blah 'my_hdr From: Malcolm Herbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'

The hooks are 'executed' for every message, so you need to make sure
that something will match for every message in the way you'd like.

The first line I've given above sets a default, which can then be
followed by one or more modifications - just one in this case.

Does that make sense?

Dave Ewart
Computing Manager, Epidemiology Unit, Oxford
Cancer Research UK
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