On Sat, Jun 29, 2002 at 11:46:21PM +0200, Raoul B?nisch wrote:
> I think I know what you mean. Actually I have no idea how to easily
> make mutt keep the N flag after closing and reopening a mailbox. What
> I would suggest is to ignore the difference between N and O, delete
> "set mark_old=no" from your configuration and use these keys to
> jump from one "new" message to another:
> bind index i next-unread
> bind index y previous-unread
> The keys "i" and "y" will jump to the next and previous messages
> marked with any of N or O respectively.
>       Raoul

  Ah, I usualy have lots of mailboxes, I'll have trouble to remember 
  which mailbox contains unread mails, so maybe a feature request to be

 6.3.49.  folder_format
  Type: string
  Default: "%2C %t %N %F %2l %-8.8u %-8.8g %8s %d %f"

     %N N if folder has new mail OR OLD MAIL(that is, unread), blank otherwise
     %M number of unread mails in a mailbox 

Best Regards

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