Sascha --

...and then Sascha Huedepohl said...
% Hi,


% i wonder if it is possible to have a default recipient
% depending on the folder i'm in when creating a new message.
% Is there an easy way via hooks?

Hmmm...  So in a folder =foo you'd want to start a new message and have
some "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" filled in for you?

You could probably set up some folder-based macros...  Perhaps rebind ,m
as <mail> just in case you want something not the default and then, on a
folder-by-folder basis, bind m something like

  folder-hook =foo 'macro index m "<mail>[EMAIL PROTECTED]<enter>"'

(though that's untested) to start a new mail and then supply foo for you,
perhaps even hitting enter to take you straight to the Subject: prompt.

% Btw: are my headers OK?
% When i send a message to a mailinglist the replays are
% always to me and not to the list.

Your M-F-T: is set to you and the list; it looks like you have noted the
mutt-users list with "lists" instead of "subscribe", so mutt, while it
knows that it's a list, thinks that you're not subscribed and thus wants
list folks to reply to you as well.  Did you?

% regards
% sascha
% -- 
% I am Homer of Borg.  Prepare to be --- Oooh! Donuts!


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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