Kevin --

...and then Kevin Coyner said...
% Since I'm on this list and using mutt it's obviously a safe assumption

I know what you mean.

% that MS products are not my first choice in software.  However, many of
% my friends use these products, in particular Outlook Express.  

Friends don't let friends use Outlook :-)

% Recently I started GPG signing most of my emails, and have found that
% the recipients using OE (with default settings) are not getting the
% content of my emails.  It seems that OE not only removes the GPG
% signature, but also strips out whatever text was in the body of my
% email.

Is the body really stripped or does it simply not open in Outhouse but
instead appear as an attachment and have to be opened in a text editor
or something similar?

% Is this just a fact of life in the world of MS, or is there a change I

We could say that and continue to prod them to change :-) but there is a
workaround.  For 1.3.x and 1.4 you need Dale Woolridge's patch, found at or at my

site, while for 1.5.x it's integrated into the stock build.  Once you
apply that, the traditional mode ($pgp_create_traditional) is further
spindled and mutilated so that it works for LookOut!, which is so
noncompliant that it can't even handle basic traditional format but
needs a particular tweak to the content headers (IIRC).

% can make on my end in my mutt settings to get around this OE
% shortcoming?  Obviously I can set up send-hooks with and without the

While I wouldn't recommend turning off your sig, send-hooks are
nonetheless not at all a bad idea.  I send everything as PGP/MIME except
in the few cases where I specifically change to traditional, and I drive
that with send-hooks.

% signature, but this presumes I know beforehand what client the recipient
% is using.  Is there another way?

Beware of a wholesale change to inline PGP/gpg; it's not robust, can't
handle attachments (too bad if you wanted to encrypt that tar file you
were going to include), and only works with us-ascii (perhaps not even
with the "MS" charset, something-1252-something).

% Thanks
% Kevin
% -- 
% Kevin Coyner
% GnuPG key: 1024D/8CE11941


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Attachment: msg28910/pgp00000.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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