Johan --

...and then Johan Svedberg said...
% Hi!


% I was just wondering if there is some configuration in mutt that makes it possible 
for you to reply to a message without actually "modifying" the original message (used 
when confirming mailinglists subscriptions), all I get now is just "Aborted unmodified 
message.". If there isn't, this might be something to implement?

I don't know if has it (though any editor certainly has the
ability to insert line breaks at a reasonable width, like 72 chars or
so), but 1.4 and much of the 1.3.x tree sets the timestamp on the created
file to "one second ago" so that even if your editing is blindingly fast
you'll still update the timestamp and mutt will thus think that the file
has been modified and happily continue.

If forcing a write doesn't do it for you, wait two seconds before forcing
your write until you upgrade to 1.4 and that will take care of the "abort
unmodified?" messages.

% Thanks.


% /winkle

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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