I wanted to ask about different hooks and their logic. Here's and
example of a send-hook:

    send-hook '~t ^foo\.bar@baz\.qux$' 'set signature=~/.sigs/sig.foo'

This, at least, *should* add ~/.sigs/sig.foo to all mails sent to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - and that it does. But on the flip-side, it adds that
same signature to ALL outgoing mail. This is not a problem, because it
was fixable by adding the following send-hook before the previous one:

    send-hook . 'set signature=~/.sigs/sig.default'

But I was just wondering about the logic Muttþ uses with hooks.
Shouldn't that be plain obvious with that first send-hook, that *only*
add sig.foo to mails going to [EMAIL PROTECTED]? Why on earth do I need
send-hook to define, that I don't want to use sig.foo in every other
mail, as well?

þ Mutt 1.5.1i (2002-05-02)

Jussi Ekholm   --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  --  http://erppimaa.cjb.net/

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