Rob, et al -- [Even if Sean sent to that doesn't mean you should, young man.]
...and then Feztaa said... % % Alas! Sean LeBlanc spake thus: % > I subscribe to quite a few technical lists. Does anyone know of any way to % > deal with top-posters? I'm looking for some type of ability to put ... % > enough not to top-post isn't really bad until it becomes threaded - then it % > becomes an absolute nightmare - having some sort of macro to correct this % > would be something that would be very much appreciated. % % I'm not sure what you would possibly expect from a script. Unless you % happen to know a scriptint language that has natural-thinking Nah; it isn't that bad. % algorithms, there is *no*way* that you can correct TOFU. Your best bet % is to just make a vim macro that copies all the text from before the % quote to after the quote. And how is that not a good start, and a programmatic one at that? I'm not saying it would be easy, but I don't think it's impossible. Search for and identify common top-poster attribution lines, back up one and mark the line, and if there's any text between your attribution line and that then you must be freshly editing a reply (versus re-editing) and so cut the mess and jump to the your sig and paste it up one. Unfortunately, it doesn't *really* solve the problem, since now you have a huge bottom-post (not necessarily a huge-bottom post, though coincidence isn't ruled out ;-) and still have to clean it up. My answer to top-posters is to go to the first of their quoted lines and delete from there to my sig and then reply in context. Too bad if they don't like it :-) The entire TOFU mentality can, I believe, be summed up as 1) throw away all but the most recent message (assuming you keep any in the first place) in the thread, since the entire thread is self-contained, and 2) if anyone is new s/he will easily be able to read the whole thread and catch up. I don't subscribe to either of those viewpoints. % % -- % Rob 'Feztaa' Park % % -- % Billy: Mom, you know that vase you said was handed down from % generation to generation? % Mom: Yes? % Billy: Well, this generation dropped it. HTH & HAND :-D -- David T-G * It's easier to fight for one's principles (play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie (work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
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