Hi David & the rest of the list David T-G [Fri, Jun 07, 2002 at 07:20:53AM -0500]: > % Cedric Duval [Sun, Jun 02, 2002 at 12:00:39PM +0200]: > % > Nico Schottelius wrote: > % > > How can I resend messages from outgoing (Maildir) ? > % > > I had a big problem with the mailserver, it deleted all outgoing mails., > % > > Now I need to resend about 40 mails, howto do that mostly easy ? > % > > % > Just tag all these mails, hit tag-prefix (';') and use the bounce > % > function ('b'). > [...] > address, they will *all* go to Bob.
that's surely not what I wanted. > Since they're in a Maildir, you already have them separated (unlike > mbox). It might be easiest to have a little for loop that goes thru the > dropped mails and re-hands each one INDIVIDUALLY to sendmail. sounds like the work I did with resending every mail with reediting and resending them from mutt. > % Please send your messages pgp-signed or pgp-encrypted. > > This may sound odd, coming from me (an always-signer), but why request > signed *or* encrypted? don't expect it to be an XOR, but OR ;) I myself prefer AND. To clearify this, I will change my signature... Have a nice day, Nico -- Please send your messages pgp-signed and pgp-encrypted (don't encrypt mails to mailing list!). If you don't know what pgp is visit www.gnupg.org. (public pgp key: ftp.schottelius.org/pub/familiy/nico/pgp-key)
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