Kevin Coyner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > In your version, tabs are missing beetween the filenames and the dates. > > > > Where did you get it? Or, more important, how did you fetch it? Sure > > enough, a check of the PGP signature should fail.
> I got it from Went to > the trashfolder section, hit the download link, and then copied/pasted > it into a txt file. Perhaps somewhere in that process it got corrupted. Hmm, yes. Copying and pasting is the best way to alter data (turning tabs into spaces, etc). It can be appropriate for written english, but patches have a strict format, and don't stand approximations. > O.k., this time got the patch via wget as per your suggestion. Applying > the patch this time around got the job done. Yes, always prefer downloading to pasting. And if unsure, check the pgp sigs, that's what (amongst other reasons) they are here for. -- Cedric