
* Kurt Hindenburg [02-06-08 17:15:07 +0200] wrote:
>  I would like to bind 'r' to 'list-reply' when the message
>  is from a mailing list I'm subscribed to.  A catch-all
>  one command would be nice.

>  # Hmm, don't think so... ~l is not a folder
>  folder-hook "~l" "bind index r list-reply"

>  # Doesn't work
>  message-hook "~l" "bind index r list-reply"

>  # Works of course for all messages
>  bind index r list-reply

The problem is that you can define complex patterns but only
one command. That means, you can take exactly one action
(which may be a list of multiple ones) if a pattern matches.
How should mutt decide wether you want to reply to the list
or to the author?

I don't really know why someone would merge the great
different answering functions...

Cheers, Rocco

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