David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ...and then Jussi Ekholm said...
>> This thing has happened for me twice or thrice already, so now I decided
>> to ask what's going on. I am subscribed to this list, but on some
>> occasions (the two or three incidents I mentioned) I have received an
>> email where I was told, that I wasn't subscribed to mutt-users.
> That is, I admit, interesting, since that's the address I see above,
> which implies that you are subscribed with *that* address.

Yup, that's why it made me so confused. And as I said, it wasn't the
first time I got this message - so, the confusion and actually even
frustration made me whine about this here. :-)

> Let's see, here... I see that Cedric has approved a few recent mails
> from you, but not this one to which I am replying... I know it's a
> silly question, but are you *really* sure you're [still] subscribed
> from this address?

Well, I'm quite, quite sure - because after I received that message I
pasted here, I sent a new (my third or fourth, I think) subscription
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ;-) And I'm *100%* sure, that I've never
unsubscribed from the list myself...

>> If you want to join the list, send email to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>> with "subscribe mutt-users" in the message text (not the subject).
> It never hurts to try, you know :-)

Already mentioned above, but still - I've done that about four times,
because this wasn't the first time it happened to me. And always after
sending subscription mail to Majordomo, everything seems to go smoothly
again. I'm hoping, that *now* my subscription would last a bit longer
than before... *g*.

> ... the list software and the moderator(s) have been known to kick people
> off for bounced messages, but if you haven't had any other mail hiccups
> this is unlikely.

Umm... at least *I* haven't done it. I don't know, if someone has been
impersonating me or something - I guess it's possible. I know for sure,
that at least *one* person has knowingly (with bad intentions, of
course) added me to many spam lists. Who knows what else he has done...

I'm thinking of reporting this guy's behaviour to his ISP, but all I got
for evidence is logs from IRC. They aren't very valuable, now are they?

Jussi Ekholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU/Linux user number 269376
http://erppimaa.cjb.net/~ekhowl/   | GnuPG Public Key ID:  1410081E

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