Hi, I've recently noticed an issue with my attempt to color some index entries on a per mailbox basis using the folder-hook command.
The desired effect (expressed with the snip-it below) is to color mail from myself blue, except if I'm looking at the mbox that stores my outbound messages. However, if I go to tag/delete/flag one of these messages, they do not follow the color scheme for the desired status. Instead they remain either (blue,black) or (white,black) with respect to whatever mbox is currently active. The desired effect would be to have the behavior of the hooks as well as always changing color for status changes (such as tagging, etc.) --muttrc SNIP-- folder-hook . 'color index blue black "~f jishac"' folder-hook =sent 'color index white black "~f jishac"' color index black red ~D color index red black ~F color index magenta black ~T --END SNIP-- converting [color index magenta black ~T] to [folder-hook . 'color index magenta black ~T'] doesn't work either, as the message remains blue/white upon being tagged. Any insight? Thanks. -Joseph