David T-G ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) muttered:
> % I sent a message to this list. 10:28:55 +0200,i.e. 3.5h ago and it still
> That's odd.  I've sent a few messages in the past few minutes and they've
> already shown up.  Have you seen new stuff from me?

Yeah and you obviously received my "List slow" message, which I haven't
receveid yet.

> % doesn't show up. What's wrong? It's nether my account not working nor my
> % relay that has trouble.
> I've deliberately added a cc: to you so that you'll get this if there's a
> problem with your list subscription.  If you don't get this, let us know.

CC received and it came in via the List as well.

I seems that it's only my own messages that get lost. Strage! I'll cc: this you 
aswell, please let me know wether you'll get it, David.

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