* John P Verel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-06-05 23:22]:
> I note that if I resend a message from, say, my outbox by
> doing ESC e to open it, edit and send the new message, no copy
> of the newly edited and sent message is placed in my outbox.
> Is there a way to change this behavior?

no.  "feature".  i keep forgetting why.

workaround: add an fcc header yourself -
or teach your editor to add one.  easy.

> BTW, the resend-message function does not appear the manual
> for 1.2.5, but seems only to be documented in the help
> screen for the index.  Should be in the manual, no?

it's in the manual for mutt 1.3.28. (see attachment)
upgrade mutt 1 2.5 to  mutt 1.4 now!


Sven [EMAIL PROTECTED]  [mutt-versions]  Latest versions:
MUTT http://www.mutt.org/  news:comp.mail.mutt  mutt-1.2.5   [2000-07-29]
MUTT http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/mutt/ mutt-1.3.99  [2002-05-02]
MUTT MUTT - *the* mailer for UNIX with color, threading, IMAP+MIME+PGP+POP
The Mutt E-Mail Client
by Michael Elkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
version 1.3.28

resend-message (default: ESC e)

With resend-message, mutt takes the current message as a template for
a new message.  This function is best described as "recall from
arbitrary folders".  It can conveniently be used to forward MIME
messages while preserving the original mail structure. Note that the
amount of headers included here depends on the value of the ``$weed''

This function is also available from the attachment menu. You can use
this to easily resend a message which was included with a bounce
message as a message/rfc822 body part.

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