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Alas! Rocco Rutte spake thus:
> Hi,
> * Rob 'Feztaa' Park [2002-06-06 08:15:32 CEST] wrote:
> > What's wrong with TOFU?
> >=20
> > Text Over Fullquote Underneath.
> Well, I don't know if ``TOFU'' refers to the same terrible
> tasting kind of plastic over at your location, too. So, here
> (in .de) it has at least 2 different meanings which need not
> to be true for other locations.
> To make it short: ``Text Above the Fullquote Underneath''
> sounds a lot better, but since a few lusers won't understand
> it either, I chose TOFU (as a term, not as prefered practise
> and not as a replacement for whatever TOFU tries to replace)
> ...

Well, when I asked what's wrong with TOFU, I was asking why "TAFU" was
suggested for english instead of the original "TOFU". I've never eaten
tofu, and I don't intend to soon.

Rob 'Feztaa' Park
Applause, n:
        The echo of a platitude from the mouth of a fool.
                -- Ambrose Bierce

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