Peter, et al -- ...and then Peter T. Abplanalp said... % % i have mutt set up with gpg. when verifying a message, gpg gives the % following output: % % [-- PGP output follows (current time: Wed Jun 5 13:45:19 2002) --] % gpg: Signature made Wed Jun 5 13:24:25 2002 MDT using DSA key ID ... % [-- End of PGP output --] % % however, mutt then says "PGP signature could NOT be verified." is
I had the same problem recently and we traced it to the gpg exit code. It turns out that I had a bogus entry in my options file that caused gpg to not fail but not exit cleanly, and mutt noticed that. Although $pgp_good_sign is intended to be used when gpg exits cleanly regardless of a good or bad sig, it might also work the other way. Just for fun, set it to "." (it's an expression) and see what you get; if it works, then you'll want to flesh out that regexp but you'll be on your way without the tedium of debugging your options file. You can test gpg without involving mutt; just sign a file and then have gpg verify it and then check the exit code. Once that works, then you can bring mutt back into the loop. Hmmm... Conversely, you could wrap gpg in a wrapper that always exited cleanly and then use $pgp_good_sign as it was intended (well, sort of; the approach is definitely a kludge0). HTH & HAND :-D -- David T-G * It's easier to fight for one's principles (play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie (work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
Description: PGP signature