Michael, et al -- ...and then Michael Elkins said... % % Kurt Hindenburg wrote: % > Let's say I want to use Ctrl F2 or Shift F2. I could not find % > anything in the manual. I did see ESC, but nothing for the Shift % > nor Ctrl keys. % % There is no way (that I know of, and I'm sure Thomas Dickey will correct % me here if I'm wrong) to use control or shift with function keys.
It looks like that's the case for Ctl, anyway, and maybe for Shf. Given, thanks to my new friend Bob, the handy perl -lpe '$_ = join " ", unpack("c*", $_)' to take input per line and spit out key codes and then running echo "ctl-v f1" | ... echo "ctl-v shf-f1" | ... echo "ctl-v ctl-ft" | ... we get 27 79 80 27 91 50 51 126 27 79 80 (where F1 and Ctl-F1 appear as '^[OP' and Shf-F1 is '^[[23~'), so there is no difference whatsoever between F1 and C-F1, while S-F1 might be tricky to recognize because it's longer (and, in fact, the same as F11, as Kurt showed). Hmmm... The keyboard stops at F12, but Shf-F3 carries on in the same fashion. Perhaps one could use the shifted keys as long as one expects to only go 1-10 and for 11&12 to be mapped back over to the other side... Anyway, I've forgotten how to (if you can!) define macros by key code, but perhaps a macro rather than a binding would do the trick. HTH & HAND :-D -- David T-G * It's easier to fight for one's principles (play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie (work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/ Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
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