     As I stated, askcc is set to true in my configs, yet it's still not
prompting me.  It's also not even asking for a subject before spawning
vi.  The default behavior on SuSE (ie: using the .muttrc supplies with
the mutt rpm) -does- ask for this, just my configs from RH 7.1 (latest
mutt from updates) does not work.  I'm attaching my configs as well (the
main sections anyway), should anyone want to look at them.


* Nicolas Rachinsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020601 03:38]:
>Date: Sat, 1 Jun 2002 09:36:52 +0200
>From: Nicolas Rachinsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Cc: Kyle Knack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Problem composing mail since switching to SuSE
>User-Agent: Mutt/1.3.28i
>* Kyle Knack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-05-31 23:48:21 -0400]:
>>      I recently switched my workstation from RedHat 7.1 to SuSE 7.3, and
>> now I'm having a funny problem when I compose mail.  Mutt is no longer
>> asking me for a recipient or CC address when I hit 'm' to compose mail
>> (ask for CC is explicitly turned on in my config).  My configuration is
>> fairly non-stock, but I can't seem to find any option related to this.
>> If anyone knows off the top of their head what might be causing it,
>> please let me know.  If necessary, I can post all or some of my config
>> (fairly long).  Thanks!
>6.3.10  askbcc
>Type: boolean
>Default: no
>If set, Mutt will prompt you for blind-carbon-copy (Bcc) recipients before
>editing an outgoing message.
>6.3.11  askcc
>Type: boolean
>Default: no
>If set, Mutt will prompt you for carbon-copy (Cc) recipients before editing the
>body of an outgoing message.

Kyle Knack
# Mutt options

# Mail folder options

set copy = yes             # Save copies of sent mail
set forward_quote = yes    # Use > when forwarding
set indent_string = ">"   # Sets indent string to >
set timeout=30

# Site options

set hostname = ""  # Hostname of my e-mail
set realname = "Kyle Knack"      # My name, of course
set signature = ~/.signature     # My default signature
set attribution="* %n <%a> [%(%y%m%d %H:%M)]:"
# Alternate e-mail accounts
#set alternates = 

# Options I don't want on
unset confirmappend       # Don't ask to save messages
unset mark_old            # Don't mark unread as old
unset collapse_unread     # Don't collapse unread threads
unset markers             # Don't mark wrapped lines
unset metoo               # Remove my address whrn replying
unset suspend             # Don't stop on Ctrl-Z
unset wait_key            # For autoview

# Options I DO want
set use_domain            # Append my domain to domainless messages
set resolve               # ?
set postpone = ask-yes    # Prompt before postponing a message
set print = ask-yes       # Prompt before printing
set delete = ask-yes      # Prompt before deleting
set editor="vim +'/^$'"  # Use vim
set header = yes          # Copy header into reply
set copy = yes            # ?
set nobeep                # I hate beeps
set tmpdir = /tmp         # Where to write temp stuff
set history = 20          # ?
set nomarkers             # No wrapped markers
set menu_scroll           # ?
set quit = yes            # Quit on quit
set auto_tag
set beep_new              # Beep on new mail only
set status_on_top         # Keep that mutt info on the top
set mail_check = 5        # Mail check interval
set delete = ask-yes      # Prompt before deleting
set smart_wrap            # Wrap lines ina  good way
set tilde   
set pager_context = 3
set pager = builtin       # Use the builtin pager
set visual = vim          # Visual editing with vim
set askcc                 # Ask for CC's
set hidden_host
set shell=/bin/bash
set include =yes
set abort_nosubject = no  # Don't kill subjectless messages
set abort_unmodified = ask-yes # Don't kill bodyless messages 
set help = yes
set print_command = "lpr -Plp"
set pager_index_lines = 8  # Split screen
set pager_stop
set check_new = yes  # Check for new mail while running
set move = no  # Don't ask to move read messages
set query_command="lbdbq '%s'"
set quote_regexp="^([ \t]*[|>:%}#])+"
set envelope_from
set edit_headers
set reverse_name

auto_view text/x-vcard

# Send Hooks
send-hook 'set signature = ~/.signature-dcsage'
send-hook 'set signature = ~/.signature-isp'
send-hook 'my_hdr From: Kyle Knack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'
send-hook 'my_hdr Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
send-hook 'my_hdr From: Kyle Knack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'
send-hook 'my_hdr Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
 # Folder Hooks
# folder-hook . 'set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15F (%4l) %s"'
#folder-hook . 'set index_format="%3C %Z %[%b %d %H:%M] - %-22.22L (%3l) %s"'
folder-hook . 'set sort = threads'
folder-hook . 'set sort_aux = reverse-date-received'
folder-hook =Sent 'set sort_aux = reverse-date-sent'
folder-hook =received 'set sort = from'
folder-hook Sent 'set index_format="%3C %Z %[%b %d %H:%M] - %-22.22t (%3l) %s"'
#folder-hook =Inbox 'set pgp_verify_sig=yes'

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