En un mensaje anterior, David T-G escribió:
> % comprise the list). What is this "encrypt-to"? I didn't find it
> % neither in the man page or the manuals.
> Hmmm...
> Well, hully gee, you're right (mostly).  It still works, but it's no
> longer listed in `gpg --help` (but it is in the man page).  I wonder
> why...  Anyway, not only is it there (since 0.9.3) but there are also
> (since 0.9.9) the default-recipient and default-recipient-self options,
> which *are* in the help output.

It's a gpg option! I was thinking it was a mutt option! Will ready
about it. Thanks for your help!

Fernando P. Schapachnik
Gerente de tecnología de red
y sistemas de información
Tel.: (54-11) 4323-3381

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