* David Thorburn-Gundlach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-05-29]:
> Fergit RPMs (though our RPM team is starting to build them now) and
> just build your own from source like a real man.  Heck, surf over to 
>   http://mutt.justpickone.org/mutt-build-cocktail/
> and see how a *real* mess of a mutt is made :-)

12.9MB?  ohmygod..

> Seriously, though, building the source from
> scratch is pretty simple if you keep it stock.

exactly.  and here's what I do to install mutt:
yes, pretty simple. :-)


Sven Guckes          http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/mutt/setup.html
Mutt setup from scratch, Sven's sample setup; attribution, "limit", "list"
vs "subscribe", histories, mailcap, POP, hooks, use of external pagers,
troubleshooting, adding header lines, "from Mozilla to Mutt".

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