So sprach Cameron Simpson am 2002-05-20 um 10:26:48 +1000 :
> This is what I get for reading email backwards.


> SOunds like mutt's using lstat instad of stat. Probably a mistake
> in this instance.

Yes, I agree.

> What if you swap the symlink around:
>       rm ML-MUTT-USERS
> so that Courier (it was Courier, yes?) uses the symlink and mutt uses
> the real directory.

It was courier.  However I don't think that's a good idea, because, hm,
dunno...  Hm, no, it's not good - if I create a new folder via IMAP with
Courier, it will be named .foo.  I've setup a cron script to create the
symlinks.  Hm, either way I can get it to work, if I think about it...
Well, the matter is, I trust mutt more than Courier to do the "right"
thing.  And since the fix in mutt is rather trivial (by setting $mask to
.*), I can live with the way it is now.

Did it make sense what I wrote?  No?  Good! ;)  Anyhow, problem is
solved.   But I think I'm going to write a bug about mutt using lstat
instead of stat.  That seems wrong to me.

Alexander Skwar
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