On Mon, May 13, 2002 at 09:09:11AM -0500, David T-G wrote: > % > % I tried "mutt -f imap://localhost" but it goes into my INBOX. I am using > > Yeah, that makes sense; you're telling mutt to open that particular > folder. > > % courier-imap. The mailboxes variable in the .muttrc dosen't seem to work > % either for subscribed imap folders. > > Assuming you have $folder set to imap://whatever... and perhaps have a > list of mailboxes (though I don't know that that's *required*), then > perhaps > > mutt -y
That would be a solution but I'd have to constantly maintain the list of mailboxes in my .muttrc, as I access the account from several mail clients (twig, mutt, Outlook Express, Mozilla Mail, etc.) and regularly modify the (un)susbscribed status of certain imap folders from any client. What I am looking for is a way for mutt to thow me directly into the imap browser with the *server-defined* list of subscribed folders displayed. > mutt -Z > > will do what you want. If they don't do the trick, but > > <start mutt> > ... > c<tab><tab> > > gets you to the list, then you might push the change command from your > muttrc file. That would work, still, I can't get INBOX displayed along (in the same hierarchy as) other subscribed folders. Probably a courier thing? Mozilla Mail (RC2) has that problem as well, Outlook works fine. Thanks, -- HIPPOLYTE: Mais quand tu récitais des faits moins glorieux, Sa foi partout offerte et reçue en cent lieux, Hélène à ses parents dans Sparte dérobée, Salamine témoin des pleurs de Péribée, Tant d'autres, dont les noms lui sont même échappés, Trop crédules esprits que sa flamme a trompés ; (Phèdre, J-B Racine, acte 1, scène 1)