On Thu, May 09, 2002 at 02:42:07PM -0400, Rob Reid wrote:

> It's not too offtopic since it involves this list (and just about every other
> list ;)

 Fine :-)
> I can't answer your question, because I filter all my list mail before the
> spamassassin check in my .procmailrc.  i.e. put something like
> :0:
> * ^TOmutt@
> muttin
> above the spamassassin part.  Other people have fancy recipes that attempt to
> catch all mailing lists in one recipe, but that's OT.

 Well, I actually filter my list mail before filter with SA, too. But
 that, indeed, does not answer my question ;-).

> List filing before spam checking doesn't catch spam in the lists, but the lists
> I read don't pass on spam to the general membership.

 Yes, you're *almost* right.
> OT: 3.6 seems low for a spam.  Maybe it's just a fluke, or maybe you should
> customize the scores on the various spamassassin tests.

 I think I should customize the scores, yes. I was just wondering how
 come that spam gets 3.6 and regular mail gets 4.4. I think it is
 because the default SA scores are set to 4.3 when it detects an empty
 reply-to field, which is a bit high imo. I'll check that.


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