Mike Arrison wrote:

> I'm currently using pine, and would like to switch to mutt.  The major
> stumbling block I'm hitting is finding a simple muttrc file to learn
> from.  I've seen the huge ones on mutt.org, but what I'm looking for
> is a 10 liner or something to get me started.  Can anybody point me in
> the right direction here?

the longer, the better!!

on a more serious note, the problem with giving you a 10 liner is that
it's hard to say what features you'd like.

if you're used to to PINE, you might want to bind some keys in a way
that's similar to PINE, at least at first.

here are my votes for other stuff:

## don't ask before deleting
set delete
*# don't prompt for recipient and subject when replying
set fast_reply
## don't ask when appending message to an existing folder
unset confirmappend
## show 10 lines of index while in the pager
set pager_index_lines=10
## i don't care if a message is "old" or "new" if unread
unset mark_old
## if someone sends us plain text AND html, view the plain text
alternative_order text/plain text/enriched text/html
ignore *
unignore user-agent: x-agent: x-mailer: from: date subject to cc reply-to: 
## define alternate addresses
set alternates = "(you|this|that)@(blah\.)?foo\.com"

my favorite "like PINE" bindingsnd pager R group-reply
## pager like pine stuff
bind pager p previous-undeleted
bind pager n next-undeleted
bind pager , exit
bind pager x sync-mailbox
bind pager $ noop
bind pager y print-message

bind index R group-reply
bind index v display-message
bind index p previous-undeleted
bind index n next-undeleted
macro index , "<change-folder>?<tab>"
bind index x sync-mailbox
bind index $ sort-mailbox
bind index - previous-page
bind index y print-message

Will Yardley
input: william < @ hq . newdream . net . >

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