Hi, I was just wondering if there was an easy way to show messages as arriving from "me" when coming from a mailing list known to mutt.
For example: (a thread on mutt-users) What normally happens ... 555 Apr 10 Some User A ( 16) Some topic 556 r Apr 10 Some User B ( 21) |-> 557 Apr 10 To mutt-users ( 12) |-> What seems logical to me :) 555 Apr 10 Some User A ( 16) Some topic 556 r Apr 10 Some User B ( 21) |-> 557 Apr 10 Joseph ( 12) |-> However mail that isn't sent to a known list still shows up as "To ..." if it's from me. Reason for all this being that I would like to be able to quickly "see" my messages in a thread, where at the same time still see "To" addresses for normal outgoing mail (for folders that hold a copy of my outgoing mail and such). Thanks, -Joseph