i'm a new mutt user - so sorry for any stupid questions

On Tue, Apr 30, 2002 at 01:46:43PM +0100, Dean Richard Benson wrote:
> Hi all
> The way that I use mutt is that I have setup about 20 different
> mailboxes (folders), so most of the time I leave the view on the folder
> view and keep my eye out for an "N" in the new mail field.

i also use this approach - every time new mail arrives, i get notified
and then start mutt, but then have to change folders to the new mail
folder. i'm looking for a smarter way to do this.

is there a way to open mutt with the view on the folder view? or any
other bright ideas.

have a good day,
Metsys/SAWS, P/Bag X15, Bethlehem, 9700, South Africa, <><
tel: +27-58-303-5571, fax: +27-58-303-2352, cell: 082-563-9776

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