Nick --

...and then Nick Wilson said...
% Hash: SHA1
% Hi everyone, 


% I'm having a little trouble with setting a reply-to on a specific
% folder. I've commented the code below so I'm sure you can see what I'm
% attempting to do:
% #this is my main account
% send-hook '.' "my_hdr Reply-To: Nick Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"

That looks fine.

% # these three appear to work but sometimes when I switch back to
% # explodingnet after sending a mail from tioka I get the tioka
% # signiture?
% folder-hook =Tioka/nick set trash="~/Mail/Trash/tioka"
% folder-hook =Tioka/nick set from="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
% folder-hook =Tioka/nick set signature="/home/nick/.tioka_signature"

This is good enough, assuming you don't muck with trash/from/sig
anywhere else.

It makes sense that you'd get the tioka sig, though, because I haven't
seen you tell mutt to use any other sig anywhere else.  Sure, you might

  set signature=/home/nick/.signature

in there, but that will only get read on mutt's startup (or when you
reread the muttrc file).

What you really want is something like

  folder-hook . set signature ...
  folder-hook =Tioka/nick set signature ...

to define a default behavior for every folder and an exceptional behavior
for a exception folder.  Remember, setting a folder-hook doesn't also
imply a default behavior or an "unset" behavior when you leave the folder.

% # but this little bugger's having none of it
% folder-hook =Tioka/nick "my_hdr Reply-To: Nick Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"

Oh, it's set, all right -- but you step on it with your send-hook above!
You need something like

  folder-hook . send-hook . my_hdr ...
  folder-hook =Tioka/nick send-hook . my_hdr ...

for the same reasons as above.

% a little help would be much appreciated, cheers..


% - -- 
% Nick Wilson     //

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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