
* David T-G [04/30/02 02:30:54 CEST] wrote:
> ...and then Rocco Rutte said...
> % > I'm using an mbox or mmdf folder type. Why won't it work with maildir?
> % 
> % > This is 
> % > Mutt 1.3.28i (2002-03-13)
> % > From debian's unstable branch.

> That's a version with a conviently-provided feature patch; the stock mutt
> doesn't do it for any type of mailbox :-)


> % You'll have to patch mutt or wait until your package gets
> % updated. Version 9.2 (as of 2002/01/26) supports Maildir.

> That is the edit_threads patch version, not the mutt version.

Of course. I didn't run 'cat /dev/brain' with -v but with
--type-mode=quick. ;-)

> You can
> surf over to

>   http://cedricduval.free.fr/mutt/

> to see more, but I doubt that the patch would apply cleanly to your
> already-patched version.

Right. That's why I suggested getting version 9.2 of the
edit_threads patch to be applied against an official mutt
source tree.

Cheers, Rocco.

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