[29.04.02 01:45:36% +0000] Flavien <-- :
> What I'm trying to match are headers like :
> Subject: Blah blah
> To: "My Friend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Another" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
>   "Joe Foobar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "x" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> my "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" is lost in there. If it appears on the
> first line, it matches my regexp :
> color header red black "To:.*myoldlogin\@myoldaddress.com"

Just a thought, why do you need your old address being matched in the
to header? Does it make difference if you just leave out the To: part
and try to catch simply your old address no matter where it is (old is
old - or?)
Erika Pacholleck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
mutters: insert vowels of last name

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