* Shannon Prickett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-04-28 01:46:56 -0700]:
> I'm using the isync package from Debian [0.7-1] and mutt from Debian
> [1.3.28-2] and attempting to use the folder-hooks from
> http://www.cs.hmc.edu/~me/isync/ without success.
> Here are some examples that don't work for me:
> folder-hook '!' 'macro index $ "<sync-mailbox>!isync -aC\n"'
> folder-hook '!' "macro index $ <sync-mailbox><shell-escape>'isync -aC'<enter>"
> The intention is to macro the $ key to flag the messages as deleted, and
> update all of my listed mailboxes.  If there are no deleted messages in
> the folder, no problem.  It will fetch new ones.  But as soon as I
> delete a message and try to use the $-macro, mutt tells me:
> /home/binder/Mail/manjusri/aC is not a mailbox.
> where /home/binder/Mail/manjusri/ is my designated spoolfile. 
> I suspect this is a case of something being expanded in a way which I'm
> not expecting.

What's the output of ":set ?delete"? I think you have it set to
ask-... and if there are messages to delete your macro is asked, and
then the !isy is taken as answer to the question, and everything goes

Try, if it works with delete set to yes. 


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